Crew S/Sgt. "Kansas" Boydston (tail gunner), S/Sgt. Frank Cameron
(ball turret gunner), and T/Sgt. "Liz" Lisenby (radio operator) pose
wth B-17G-20-DL, Ser. No. 42-37982, (SU-K), "Tremblin Gremlin".
The Clayton crew flew A/C 982 on January 29th, January 30th, April 9th, April
20th, and March 6th, 1944. The mission on March 6th, 1944 was the first 8th
Air Force mission to Berlin, Germany.
"Tremblin Gremlin " continued to serve until it was finally lost on the September 19, 1944 mission to Hamm, Germany.
Photo courtesy of Miles F. Lisenby
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